This is my motive for today!

Going to start off sketching a few tattoo designs of dasies and roses... then shall move on to a few portraits of loved ones and famous people. Also may start a gift for one of my closest friends. Its getting a bit late in the day but its better to do something than nothing!
Ive also realised that its time to get my scanner fixed as drawings look so much better:

I bought some art materials the other day; acrylic paper for £25, two canvases for £4 (BARGIN!!), some oil paints, white spirit and a journal to keep notes.
My facebook page is doing really well! I cant thank people enough for supporting me - I only thought about 20 people would like the page but so far theres 205! Big thanks to everryyone having faith in me :D
 I'm sad because I miss you...


Ive been pulling many faces today...
So I can draw different expressions...
Im quite disturbed...
Sure you already knew that...